Maybe Hipper than Hip
I love my ipod but sometimes I really think it looks boring. Thankfully, MacSkinz has an artists collection of skins for ipods! Unfortunatly I have an ipod mini and these are for 4th and 3rd generation ipods. But that doesn't mean you can't have one! They are scratch and chemical resitent and the skins are really thin so your ipod will fit in most cases still. Each set is $50.00 but totally worth it because they are just way too cool. MacSkinz also has some regular skins that fit minis but they are not nearly as awesome as these. You know you want to be the first one to have one of these. The styles vary a lot so I'm sure you will find one that fits you perfectly, whether you want a pin up or a funky robot. Now, I have to go hit myself over the head for get a mini instead of a regular ipod.
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