
Manufactured Casual

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Denim skirts a huge closet staple. If you are under the age of 27 and don't own a jean skirt then some thing is wrong with you. It's like a WASP not owning pearls. And now with the boho trend in full swing people seem to be forgetting how great these skirts are. But do not fear! Denim can be boho (oh come one, every one knows that). Take this pre-scribbled, pre-ripped skirt from Delias. It's perfect for summer and you can wear it with one of those trendy tunics or a black t-shirt and some mod lucite bangles. Screw the trends. You can buy this one for $32.00 from Delias or you can buy one just like it at G+G Rave for much less, they probably have one in your mall. Another option is to just draw on your own skirt. Isn't that a novel concept.


Blogger Leith said...

That's the only reason why I still watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.

1:51 PM  

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