You Spin Me Right Round

Me: yes
Carly: and I get annoyed when you dont update it....
So, of course. I'm updating it.
First things first though. Yes. I was in ElleGirl. Thank you for visiting all you new readers. And, no, I really don't look like that picture. I made the mistake of sending ridiculous pictures my little brother took of me.
Anyways, on Friday my Dad drove me up to New York for Olympus Fashion Week avec my aunt (thank you, both of you!). Althought it was more of a fashion weekend since I had to go to school on Monday (pshaw). So, I got to see the Alice Roi show. It was AWESOME. The little punkish touches were great, not to mention the music. They played The Violent Femmes. And The Cure! It was like listening to my itunes.
The picture on the left is by far my favorite look from the show. Overall, the collection was very neutral (lots of tans, whites, and blacks) with splashes of hot pink thrown in. It was just too cool.
The tent itself was amazing. There was some guy with two-toned hot pink hair and a green and orange plaidish suit on. I tried to take his picture a couple of times but he kept on moving. And there was all sorts of free stuff. Like notebooks, and Atkins bars. And peppermint patties. If I was homeless but had awesome clothes I might hang out in the tent all day. But I don't really recomend that.
Oh yes, for those of you that found my myspace, please don't be offended if I don't add you back. I just use myspace to keep in touch with people I know but don't get to see that often.
I'm gonna be famous because of you! Hee.
That's a really cute dress. See the pink under the tan style? Told you the seventies were going to come back.
Yes, I saw the article in ElleGirl. I just had to come see and tell you, you're awesome. Especially the last comment about individuality. It seems like you have to shop at Abercrombie or American Eagle to be considered fashionable. What I want to know is, if they all shop at the same store, why don't any of them end up with the exact same clothes? Thanks for listening to me rant.
P.S.- Love the purple pumps. And your name.
your site super awesome. I love fashion too, and i really like the style of this site. I heard about your site in ELLEgirl! (how awesome is it to be in a magazine??) lucky duck. Well, I just thought i'd say something.
cute site!
Congrats on being featured in ELLEgirl! Your blog is fantastic. :)
Hey, I read about your blog in ELLEGgirl, I'm so coming here all the time to read your fashion opinions and advice. Don't worry, I won't copy, but I love to see other people's styles. Congrats on the ELLEgirl article, and good luck with a fashion career.
I read about your blog in ElleGirl, like tons of people that came here!
The blog is truly amazing, because you're a great writer, and has a killing style! ^^
BTW, I loved the description: "Highschool in the suburbs is what some people call Le Suck."
Totally Groolie! (That's how I say that something is really, really cool).
Loved it!
you were in ellegirl! haha... that's going to make the number of hits you get go up like ten million a day...
you're really very funny.
you straight up rock. you're my blogging inspiration.
hello, i'm chelsea. i read about your blog in Ellegirl, like i'm sure many people now visiting did. You're really lucky you got that publicity, and even more lucky to be able to go to fashion week! i love the cure and im insanely jealous of your musical-fashion experience. cool blog though ;) keep up the good work
Your blog = much excellence. Keep up the skillz!
cool blog i saw u in elle girl! way 2 go!
hey. dude my sister was looking at ellegirl or whatever and showed me the page on u. i think u r insanely hott man. like really, wow. just thought id let u know how hott u r.. bye
Love this site its great
I read the article in Ellegirl and i just had to get a look at this! I love the site. It is really awesome ! Keep doing what you're doing !
melissaa <3<3
Really amazing blog! I love your humor and of course, fashion sense. I live in Annapolis aswell. Where I live everyone is so notoriously preppy they are called "Parkies." Maybe you've heard of our little republican bubble? I'm sure we both dream of escaping Maryland.
The best we can do is hope for this weekends storm to cancel school!
Anyway, great blog and congrats on being in ELLEGirl! Maybe I will see you around.
spotted a short article of you & your site in Ellegirl. thought i'd stop by & check it out. the site looks great; i love it. keep doing what your doing; take care<3
Wow, this is really cool! I also saw your blog featured in ELLEgirl, so I thought I'd check it out. It looks great, continue what your doing, for my sake!
congrats on your Ellegirl feature!
heyy i just got done reading the thing about you in elle girl so i thought id drop by & see lol very nice <3
LOVE your blog, it's totally new and awesome.... great job
Hey girl, congrats on the Ellegirl article! Love your writing style. cheers.
loves it. your in inspiration.
i sent you an IM-- hope you got it.
thanks for re-igniting my love for fashion! I saw your article in ellegirl, and I just had to check out your blog. I used to be just like you, but I don't know what happeend.. yay :D
Congrads on being in ellegirl it is about time they start reconizing blogs because they are more current on fashion and just fab things.
WOW. I envy the fact that you got to go to Olympus Fashion Week! I live in New York, but not all of us city kids are THAT priveled. I passed by Bryant Park that weekend and saw the tents up and got a bit sad that I can't see any of the great fashion. I actually thought about you, the girl in Ellegirl (sorry, I know it must annoy you that I bring it up) and wondered if you knew about fashion week and all (but of course you do).
So yeah, that's my "Hi there".
You've been to a fashion show? in NEW YORK! you lucky lil bitch! omg I'd kill to go to a Chanel or Dior fashion show... oh my god! =:@
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