You Wouldn't Believe That I'm The Master of Five Minute Showers
Today in chemistry I was bored, as usual and felt my hair for lack of anything better to do.
I was instantly in heaven, my hair was so soft and nice.
Hitting my friend Gerryy who was sitting next to me, I said, "Gerry! Feel my hair! It's so soft."
"No, that's so weird!"
"Fine, feel mine first."
He took off his hat and I felt his hair, "Eww! You're hair is like a brillopad! Feel mine."
"Mine is not!"
"Yes it is. Feel my hair!"
He tapped my head.
"You didn't even feel it!" I shouted at him.
I grabbed his hand and put it on my hair, "See?" I said.
"Yeah, it's pretty soft. That was weird Leith."
Seriously though, it was crazy soft today. I'm kind of really in love with all my hair products.

I use the Shine Release shampoo from Brilliant Brunette by John Frieda and the Light Reflecting conditioner. They smell yummy and work like a charm. Some one once asked me why I used Brilliant Brunette because my hair is "black, not brunette". I am, in fact a brunette. I just happen to have really dark hair. I have red high lights in the summer, that's not black.

If I have some intense hair damage I'll use the fortifying deep conditioning masque from Garnier Fructis. It's great for dealing with chlorine and it works even better if you heat in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds. It works on a wide variety of hair types too, my best friend, Amanda, has curly hair and she swears by it.
Send me an e-mail with the hair products you use and I might post it!
I was instantly in heaven, my hair was so soft and nice.
Hitting my friend Gerryy who was sitting next to me, I said, "Gerry! Feel my hair! It's so soft."
"No, that's so weird!"
"Fine, feel mine first."
He took off his hat and I felt his hair, "Eww! You're hair is like a brillopad! Feel mine."
"Mine is not!"
"Yes it is. Feel my hair!"
He tapped my head.
"You didn't even feel it!" I shouted at him.
I grabbed his hand and put it on my hair, "See?" I said.
"Yeah, it's pretty soft. That was weird Leith."
Seriously though, it was crazy soft today. I'm kind of really in love with all my hair products.

I use the Shine Release shampoo from Brilliant Brunette by John Frieda and the Light Reflecting conditioner. They smell yummy and work like a charm. Some one once asked me why I used Brilliant Brunette because my hair is "black, not brunette". I am, in fact a brunette. I just happen to have really dark hair. I have red high lights in the summer, that's not black.

If I have some intense hair damage I'll use the fortifying deep conditioning masque from Garnier Fructis. It's great for dealing with chlorine and it works even better if you heat in the microwave for about 5-10 seconds. It works on a wide variety of hair types too, my best friend, Amanda, has curly hair and she swears by it.
Send me an e-mail with the hair products you use and I might post it!
ohh really?! it works for chlorine?! I just got back from practice (Swim team) and I haven't showered, mostly becasue the thought of touching my hair sickens me because it's so dry..
I'll have to try that. Too bad I was JUST at the grocery store so I'll have to wait like another week before my parents decide they need to go again.
Garnier Fructis Smoothing Milk is lovely. Try it.
how did you know the rin girl was an imposter?
I love all the Garnier Fructis products! Simply amazing@
i use that garnier stuff too. and i have curly frizzy hair, and it always works.
I thought you were only supposed to use those color-specific shampoos and conditioners if your hair was artificially colored that way. I've tried the Pantene for red hair and didn't really notice a difference. Is it the same for color glaze? Should you only use that if your hair is colored?
i will have to try it and force people to feel my hair
Its not only for color treated hair (FYI) someone asked that question. I have never dyed my hair and I have sued the brilliant brunette shampoo. Suave Moose is also great and so are most of the garnia products. Oh and I jsut got the best hair straightner form Revlon.
Its not only for color treated hair (FYI) someone asked that question. I have never dyed my hair and I have sued the brilliant brunette shampoo. Suave Moose is also great and so are most of the garnia products. Oh and I jsut got the best hair straightner form Revlon.
i love john freida. i use the curl shampoo and conditioner, and then the frizz serum and the curl mousse. it makes my hair really shiny and perfectly curly.
also, leith, have you checked out they have absolutely amazing clothing.
I love the John Frieda products! I use the Curl Around shampoo and conditioners. Makes my hair crazy soft too, and I have serious curls and dry hair. Some days, I can't stop touching it.
oh ps Leith, if you're gonna mention shampoos not to use, Bumble And Bumble. I got the super damaged hair kind (because of all the chlorine and straightening, even though it's not damaged, I just would like to keep that from happening) and it says like "soft & shiny". It's not. I highly dissaprove. Just thought I'd let you know?
i live by texture straight spray. spray it in right before straitening hair, and it smoothes all the frizzies, and if you have layers in makes them all nice and not choppy. the bad thing is its really expennsive and only avalible at really nice salons.
right now i use Dove Repairing Treatment for my damaged hair (from all the straightening). i'll try garnier fructis though.
i heard Kerastase is really good (especially for volume or curls)
Hair is my thing. You have no idea, i hunt for good products, i met fredrik fekki, (the body/hairproduct guy) and he said he had never felt hair so thick. My favorite products are Kiwi, Curls Rock, Bumble and Bumble (surf spray for smmer!) , Dream Curls Spray, The new herbal essences, and Any type of Bed Head product.
Yeah. Good post. Rock ittttt.....
Okay I've tried all these products.
Met Fekkai (yawn)
had my hair done at Bumble and Fekkai and
used both of their products, too.
The truth?
If you have halfway decent hair, you don't need to buy anything more expensive than Suave. That's the truth.
All Bumble and Bumble products bite. They adhere to the hair and create a dull, clumpy feel.
Fekkai products are barely any better except the Olive Oil styling lotion. It smells divine and as long as you don't use too much it will add shine and managability to straight hair. But if you use too much your hair will be as flat as Nicole Richie's abdomen. Yes that means concave.
You can think I am an obnoxious know it all but I am not. I have just wasted a fortune on hair products and thought I'd try to save you the expense and trouble I've gone through.
I know virtually nothing about curly hair. I know it is a challenge to deal with and cut and style. The only thing I can say for sure is that people with curly hair should keep it curly. When it is straightened it looks barfy to me...and many other people too.
And by the way no one naturally has black hair. Not even black people.
fab! dahling! fab!! *wink!
angel baby:
suave? i know you dont need the most expensive products, but suave is pure crap. Its like putting flavored orange juice in your hair, except maybe worst. It does nothing. Garnier is good, not too expensive, even herbal essences, im not saying you need to go to some high-tech salon, but suave it the worst of the worst. please angel baby, do this:
1. call yourself angel baby, its so trashy you might as well not even have hair
2. dont be a know it all. or a bitch, both suck and no one likes either, andd in that were being both.
p.s. she didn't say she had black hair....she said she had almost black hair. whch i know is true. and if you dont know anything about curly hair? stop critisizing ivy who actually has it, and shut up and guess when you dont even know what its like. bitch.
Awww, c'mon bessie! Don't you think that was a bit harsh? angel baby was just sharing her knowledge with us!
LOVE Brilliant Brunette. It smells like the beach.
my hair is so flat dead and boring, so i use garnier fructis style 'surf hair'. it is the bomb. i put it in when my hair is damp and either blow dry or air dry. it comes out nice and not flat/dead/boring.
I agree with all the John Frieda opinions, but Sunsilk has always been my hair care of choice when I visit my family overseas and can't find American products as readily. And now that it's easy to get here, I'm buying bulk packs of it. Garnier never really worked for my hair (long, curly/wavy).
But who cares what your hair feels like? Or look like, as long as it's clean and neat?
I like Dove shampoo and I also like John Frieda Beach Blonde Ocean Waves. I use the John Frieda stuff as hairspray/gel even when I'm not looking to ocean waveify, my hair usually goes straight after a while if I try and curl it but on good days, this usually works.
Well Bessie, my love,
I appreciate your thoughts on my name. Your tact is noteworthy.
I had no idea I'd find someone on this blog who is so passionate about Suave. I defer to your expertise on budget brands.
Of course I wouldn't criticize Ivy. I believe strongly in honest discussion and the freedom to disagree. Free speech is after all our right, even when we tend to fly off the handle, lashing out at anyone who threatens our self worth by demeaning our hair products.
Please don't worry so much. I have no doubt your hair is among the most revered folicles on earth and wish you the best of luck in all that you do with your hair and in your life.
I trust that with time you will find a suitable outlet for your untapped passion. Until then, I remain
Yours truly,
dude, is there actually controversy going on over a post about HAIR PRODUCTS???
Way to take the civilized road Angel Baby. Bessie is clearly challenged by polite conversation.
haha....funny angel baby. very nice.
i'm a natural girl when it comes to hair. my hair is very fine and straight, and on top of it all, tends to get greasy. but i swear by dhs clear shampoo. expensive and hard to find, yes, but it totally works. it's for people with sensitve scalps like me but anyone can use it. although it's not scented, it totally makes my hair feel soft and shiny and not greasy at all.
also, a good way to add shine to your hair is to mix apple cider vinegar and water together when you shampoo and it really does make your hair look gorgeous.
i don't really use that many products, but when i feel like it, i use garnier fructis surf spray. it's just about the only product that will make my stick straight hair curl. the finished product is very surfergirl-esque. messy waves all over the place.
ps- about the whole scandal with angel baby/bessie. all shampoos no matter how expensive they are, are all mostly water with some fragrances and other little things like that so it really is no big deal if you use suave. i use the suave daily clarifying shampoo from time to time if my hair is really nasty. it gets the job done.
Garnier Fructis smells absolutely lovely. I might consider the masque, as my hair is a little frizzy these days.
You remind me of me...I do the exact same thing while sitting in class. but people readily feel my hair.
I've been thinking about using brilliant brunette for quite some time now. :)
I use Infusism 24(or twenty-three. It's twenty something.) for shampoo and mixing Acaidia and Rusk conditioners together.
Is it me or does Bessie seem Bossy?
I like confident girls but the manly ones scare me.
I use Head and Shoulders for dry scalp and I am in love with it. It not only keeps my hair nice and conditioned, but everywhere I go people tell me how nice my hair smells. People across the hall, dentists, doctors, even people I pass in cross country meets (:
i agree. head and shoulders is totally underated. it makes your hair really nice and soft and it smells damn good. not to mention it gets rid of those pesky flakes. it's too bad i had to switch over to special shampoo because i started getting rashes but head and shoulders is mucho awesome.
i like the new herbal essence's none of your frizziness conditioner. it smells amazing.
Hi guys, um lets see. just read the hall of lame.. you guys think SHES pathetic.. right well your the one sitting on your FAT ASS TAKING THE TIME TO RIGHT ABOUT IT. YES. I SAID FAT! OHHH NO. shoot me now? get teh f over it bitches.
like shes said a million times.. you dont like it then dont listen to it... but you say you just have to make a pointt right. talking about how shes rich and concieted? well guess what she can afford that stuff because either she or her parents got off their lazy ass and worked for a goddamn living am i right? yes. YOU SHOULD TRY IT.
you may say im the bitch now but you no what i dont care go sit on the couch and stuff your face while taking gay myspace pictures in the mirror where you think it makes you look good..
oh by the way, it doesnt. your ugly. too bad.
are you ever going to post?
gosh leith, you really need to update. i'm going crazy here :(
you're as clueless as the day is long. i'm not holding it against leith, but people actually are off their asses and working for a living but AREN'T RICH. and i'm sure you're hideous as hell.
leith has the passion
so stop whining, complaing, graining, and straining....
and listen!
go back to your trailer and shove a twinkie up your ass. if you were smart you would have started making a living as soon as possible. why dont you just admit you agree with what i said instead of being so contraversial
i like toni and guy clarifying shampoo (gets all the shit out of my jair, which is really fine), and garnier fortifying conditioner or sheer blonde conitioner. that or trevor sorbie everyday shampoo and conditioner travel bottles.
i use trevor sorbie mousse or sheer blonde texturising wax or bedhead's vitamin godess for styling/vitamin boosting.
keratese is really good.
bumble and bumble blondish powdering spray is really useful for making your hair look nice but it reeks of solvent and feels weird.
"You're hair is like a brillopad... ha ha...
I need some of that shampoo.
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