But, it appears I do. Especially since there was a big hoopla over my last post.
OH MY GOD I SAID THAT PEOPLE SHOULD EXERCISE. It was a joke. Yes, it was not that funny. Yes, it's hard to tell when some one is being sarcastic on the internet. But (and I had sincerely hoped that people had gotten used to me by now) I am sarcastic the majority of the time. It's my survival technique.
Besides, I'm a size 6 for pants and I can still fit into a size 2 dress (although a huge part of this is the fact that I am mucho small on top). Have you seen my rear or my hips? I don't believe so and if you have this could be a bit awkward. Unless I know you, of course.
Please, don't take offense at everything that I say. I am cruelest to those I love the most. Unless I really hate you, then I am just a full-frontal bitch.
Basically, do not over-react. Yes, I am full on drama queen but seriously. I don't go and cry because some one said something that I don't agree with online. Please take a reality check and calm down. Thank you.
P.S. tomorrow I will get back on a more regular posting schedule.
P.P.S. The first person who insults me with something other than "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SUCH A CONCEITED BITCH!" gets extra cool points. Honestly, there are so many other insults out there that describe me.
i totally agree. you are totally awesome but boy oh boy can i think up some very creative but catty things to say about you. and yes, i mean that in the nicest way.
Just kidding. I applaud you for this post. And that dress, not to mention the picture, is absolutely adorable!
Cute dress!
Plus, I don't think anyone noticed that dress sizes run kind of big. I wear a 12 in pants and whatnot, but dresses in 8's.
same here anonymous. although right now i'm kind of bordering on a 10, but yeah, i know what you mean.
that is a VERY cute dress. i was thinking about possibly getting a betsey johnson dress for homecoming, but they are just too expensive, according to my mom. maybe senior prom, though.
Is that you? You can not possbily be a size 6..
props for keeping it real.
and what is your regular posting schedule?
I LOVE BETSEY JOHNSON!! And I never think you are conceited....
: )
I think you should ignore people's critical comments. They can quit reading if they have such a problem. It's almost funny how uptight people are..!
Yeah, I couldn't agree more. I find it kinda weird how people get so stressed out over a comment in a blog! Also, wasn't there some weird religious thing in here too? That was odd.
Leith. I am jealous of your butt. I really am, I remember in math when Brian said you should "wear tighter pants" and you wore your (very cute) pea-coat for the rest of the class to cover it up. hahahahha I miss you. And I loveeee that dreess! What store are you in? It reminds me of The Pink Crab, but they don't carry anything other than Lilly. Soooo. I'm at a loss.
You are looking mighty fine, by the way.
Bitchy people are the best people. That's why I love this site.
you are so cute! ah and it looks like you may have the same problem as i do. .i have to get a bigger size in pants because of my huge butt. i'm not too fond of it.
i love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LURVVVE that dress......can u post info on it? and where i can get it?
that is a really cute dress. i love betsey johnson. i wish i could afford her dresses, ha.
hurrah for actually having a butt :D! right on, sister.
How could you publish such a photo? You'll have every man on earth hounding you. Take it from me, people like us have to cover up, if only for our own safety!
awesome goddess is a cocky little girl! read her blog, and ull believe me. Thats what cocky is....leith is anything but.
hey do you think you could show some cute winter coats? it gets cold here in chicago, and all the ones i find have fur on the hood/collar which is completely tacky to me.
ewwwww. awesomegoddess, shame on you! you're so vain and self-obsessed it's almost funny.
what i wouldn't give to play a game of checkers with you.
leith, you are DEFINITELY NOT cocky. ignore what people say.
lol @ all of you getting so upset over awesomegoddess or whatever her name is.
I don't think she was attacking leith so calm down. it was actually kind of funny[as was the exercise joke. but maybe I'm just cruel].
everyone needs to take a break-eat a cookie.
God, I miss when antm was good...
xzdid you actually go to her site, though? it ain't pretty.
He will be the one to burn our eternal soul. make form a whole. DRINK.
(the god of fire will give his gift now.)
Kalina Ferna Bet
Kalina Ferna Bet Bet
Bet Bet Bet
Kalina Ferna Bet
Gauna, Gauna, Gauna.
Kali. Kailna
Kalina, Kal.
(the god of fire is finished. bless him we shall.)
amen. kali. amen.
its on its way. no more kicking them aside. it will uplift you. kari will uplift you.
(Its finished. The blessing is over)
i don't understand what it going on.
This is getting entertaining. lol
I trust Leith grasps what I'm saying about the burden of beauty. I don't expect the rest of you to understand. Just be thankful you're average!
okay, emma and joanna, you guys obviously spend too much time on this blog, i mean you have multipile comments on it, get a life.
Wow. I am seriously considering printing out this comment page and taping it to my wall it's so hilarious.
Anyways, Leith, I do see a difference in your blog from now and a few months ago, but it's still wicked. And yay for the size sixes! (And you look great in that dress.)
Ok, so I have finally saved up enough money to go on a full-frontal fall shopping spree, and am determined to find the perfect semi-formal dress. Could you possibly show me some cool ideas for it? Just for inspiration? Many thanks!
Sarah :)
'omg ur sucha conceited bitch!' hahahahahah. love that dress u are Wearing in the pic. cute. j adore betsey johnson.
when did this blog become another place for catty girls to bash each other?
look, people do have lives. some people get bored. some people like to chat. and i wish people would stop saying all that crap about awesomegoddess. i don't really agree with all that she's saying along with the rest of you, but i doubt it'll make any difference if you bitch at her. please stop being mean to other bloggers. can't we all just get along?
You are adorable! So is your room, it looks like a boutique!
is that your room or a boutique?
i love love love this dress.
i dont like you one bit leith!
oh and anonymous's comment made me think...imagine if your room WAS THE BETSEY JOHNSON STORE! (minus saleswomen and customers. cashier optional but would make an awesome piggybank.)
That position, is such a fooler.
That's not what it, actually, looks like..
Don't know you, nor your blog.
But it doesn't take much brains, to figure out your excuses to apologise for your comments about 'someone elses need to work out' where merely provoced out of shame, of your own body.
You chubby-fashion-victim, you
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