Do you know that I love headbands? Well, I do (der) and I haven't owned a proper headband in about four years. When I was at Nordstrom's the other day I almost bought these but didnt' fearing it would be just another impulse buy that gets buried under a pair of shoes in my closet. So instead I bought a belt that's 2 sizes too big for me and just 5 minutes ago was buried under a pair of shoes in my closet. Now I really regret not getting the headband (but I mostly regret not getting the belt in a small, I need to learn to check the size of something before I take it to the cash register). Anyways, here it is. With a white one too. Each one is
$8. And they are faux-patent leather to ensure that extra shiny quality all through their stay on your head. Oh goodness. I can't believe I said that.
Headbands = Love.
'Nuff said.
I came across your blog and I <3 headbands!!!
I've taken to wearing my mom's Gucci scarf as a headband, all rolled up so it's not scary old-lady-babushca like. Oh, and I totally guessed on the spelling of that.
Headbands are so cute! There's a super ghetto swap meet near my house in LA, and they have headbands for a dollar!
It makes my heart happy. :)
Yeah anonymous I do that too, I get my torquoise Dior scarf I got at a vintage store, roll it up and wrap it around my head, ponytail, or use it as a belt.
ahhh i agree. headbands are amazing.
i always look forward to reading your blog. it's so cute
headbands are the new thing. keep the posts coming <33
Those are cute.
Headbands are love. ♥
wow headbands are something i haven't worn in a while. Like the ones from Nordstrom though.
It seems like all my belts are either too big or too small *sigh* one of these days.
i use a headband at least 2 days of a school week, when i am running late. i love them. (:
that's a hairband.
a headband goes around your forehead.
And stop pimping your blog on Leith's blog, its doesn't even have an original title.
I'll start out by saying how ridiculously jealous of 'Waffles I am...second, as nostalgic as I am, I had to look at some old posts and point out that the Lime Patent Mary-Jane Manolo's are on sale at Nordstrom for $122...
I always wear a scarf or a headband when I'm having a bad hair day, and it instantly looks good.
jesus MALIAONFIRE this is weak
you just completely copied and pasted susiebubble's entry without even crediting her:
It's official - I don't just LIKE The Like, but I LOVE The Like. I don't want to sound like some kind of sad groupie because I actually think their music is only so-so (they're one of those bands that you have to see live to GET what it's all about). However, what I love about them, is their sense of very innocent, folksy, slightly fairy-ish style. I don't think highly of too many music artists in terms of style but The Like get it spot on. I'm not sure whether it's their palette of creams, taupes, whites with a dash of black that feels so seasonally right. Or the fact that they mix it up with their textures or continually favour vintage over anything else.
Saw your blog a long time ago looking through Geisha's links.
Headbands are sa-weet.
I did a post on them awhile back, but I'm sure you don't care about silly things like that.
And lolz at maliaonfire-she changed her title to ANOTHER title stolen from some OTHER girl. People crack me up :D
wow def impulsive, but we all have our mad errr genius moments, lol!
I'm not sure I could pull off headbands but these are so precious!
me again
this is a great way for advertising your blog leith, you should get people to pay!
i loooooooooove headbands, i have so many too. i wear them practically all the time because they are so cool and practical and cute. :]
wow, i love the headbands, and your site = ) do you know what those shirts are called that are like long but not as long as a dress, i thought there was, but maybe not. i thought it was a tunic or a frock, if you know help. :)
kay, i think those are called tunics.
i love headbands, &i make them out of anything. they're best in bright colors like teal and green because then they pop with my hair.
btw, that malionfire thing was funny. she's pretty ridiculous, but entertaining.
I don't think Mary meant to be rude, Rin. Even I added a little something at the end of my comment.
Besides, it IS just a little ridiculous that she's shutting down because she's not getting comments. I've read even better blogs then hers that get no comments-they're not having fits every five seconds.
If you look at the older stuff of Leith's-she didn't get many comments at the beginning. No one does.
There was no "Eye'm shutting down becuzz eye get noe commentzorz."
:\ Yes, malia has posted some nice posts, but this all a bit too dramatic. And I don't want this to start a big e-battle, but it really is all very silly.
LEITH YOUR BLOG IS AMAZING- post more pleaseeeee
headbands are life. period. can you post on your own comment page? if so, post back!
ps: im the smae girl that pointed out the lime manolos... but they are all out now :[
my impulse buys have been lately focused on headbands. a couple months ago, i had zero, now i have like 10.
I LOVE those headbands. I was wondering if anyone could check out my blog:iwannabeamuse.blogspot.com
thad'd be awesome....thanks. =]
i have the white one and i absolutely l o v e it!
Headbands are so great> You should get them....
a tip about the too large belt: if you take a drill or a dremel (sp?) or even just a nail and hammer you can easily add more holes in the belt so you can make it smaller. i can never find a belt small enough to fit me so i do that all the time.
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