One Day Until Summer Vacation, Can You Say Excited?
Sorry for the lack of postage lately, I've been busy with exams and planning for the summer. Actually, this might be my last post for a while. (Hopefully) I'll be going to the Outerbanks next week and the week after that I'm having my wisdom teeth removed, and then I'm going to New Jersey after I've recovered. Anyways, here are your questions and my answers!

I have no idea what brand the polo is. Sorry! Where can you get cute vintage clothes? Well, since I don't live near you (I think) I can't give you exact stores (duh) but you might want to try your local hospital. My friend Taylor goes to the thrift store at our hospital and she gets loads of adorable clothes that no one else has. Plus, the proceeds goes to help the hospital. Now, on with the dress (I hope I'm not too late!). I personally do not like super flowy dresses because they make anyone look like they are hiding a pregnancy. But, a dress like this from Nordstrom's is perfect for many occasions and the empire waist is wide enough to look fitted, not like you're wearing it to your shot gun wedding because the baby's due. What's good to know is that the dress is only $68 which is considerably less than the other dresses I was going to mention. And the difference between a wedge and an espadrille? Espadrilles are a type of shoe with this woveny grass stuff ass the sole. But wedges are shoes that basically look like they have a wedge tacked on to the bottom.

Let me say first that I love the dress! Anthropologie is one of the best places to get dresses. Red shoes would look stunning with this dress and definitely bring more color to the grey seersucker. But, I have fallen in love with these rouched kitten heels from Seychelles. The pointy toes would add a littl edge to the dress and since they are only a kitten heel you'll be perfectly comfortable and will not be hobbling up to get your diploma! They are a little bit more than your budget at $78 but the price tag is fine when you think about how many times you will be able to wear these shoes. Besides, if you want to bring color to the outfit you always have jewelry and purses. Maybe you could put a flower in your hair?
I get the feeling that you are not so keen on polos. Which is why I would like to introduce you to American Apparel's "leisure shirts". They have a collar, they look incredibly comfortable, AND they come in a plethora of colors. It's $32 and they have long sleeved versions for $38. I'm incredibly shocked that you can't have skirts! What kind of sadistic place do you go to school? Anyways, Urban Outfitters has some lovely black pants like these. If I were you I would just go to a local department store and just stock up on their black and navy blue pants. As for the shoes, did you see the ones I suggest for the question above this one? They're quite fitting. Since you do not have much of a variety for the rest of your clothes I think you should buy a bunch of different colored ballet flats.

Hi. I've noticed that you've answer people's questions about where they might find certain clothes and such. So I was wondering if maybe you could figure some stuff out for me too. Okay, firstly, I was wondering what brand this polo is. It has 2 or 3 "X"s in the logo area in the top left hand side of the polo and there is also an "X" on each side of the polo down by the hip/hem of the shirt. I've also seen that the polo has "prep" written on the collar when you flip it up. Another question is where might I get cute, vintage, unique, CHEAP clothes? I want to stray away from the mainstream "Abercrombie/Hollister/AE" look. I also need to get a nice, summery, flowy? dress for several occasions coming up including my brother's graduation and my promotion, as well. I'd like to keep my wallet as full as possible. Any suggestions? Oh yeah. One more question. What's the difference between a wedge and an espadrille? I've always wondered...anyways, I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer these questions and maybe e-mail me back.
I have no idea what brand the polo is. Sorry! Where can you get cute vintage clothes? Well, since I don't live near you (I think) I can't give you exact stores (duh) but you might want to try your local hospital. My friend Taylor goes to the thrift store at our hospital and she gets loads of adorable clothes that no one else has. Plus, the proceeds goes to help the hospital. Now, on with the dress (I hope I'm not too late!). I personally do not like super flowy dresses because they make anyone look like they are hiding a pregnancy. But, a dress like this from Nordstrom's is perfect for many occasions and the empire waist is wide enough to look fitted, not like you're wearing it to your shot gun wedding because the baby's due. What's good to know is that the dress is only $68 which is considerably less than the other dresses I was going to mention. And the difference between a wedge and an espadrille? Espadrilles are a type of shoe with this woveny grass stuff ass the sole. But wedges are shoes that basically look like they have a wedge tacked on to the bottom.

Hi Leith,
I don't know if you can figure out anything, but considering my friends and I have spent every waking hour of our pathetic lives on this perhaps you (who I admire for your blog and fashion philosophy/style/ideas) can give me a hand. Our graduation is coming up, and I bought this dress. Considering it was kind've exspensive for me, I don't want to spend more than like $70 on shoes. I'm tall already, so I'm not desperate for heels, but I was thinking either some kind of red flat or espadrille. Do you have any ideas?

I couldn't figure out how to e-mail my question, so I'll ask in comments. The school board passed a board on uniforms. "Standard dress" (same difference) And I have a complex about dressing the same as anyone else. How can I dress up my uniform without being sent home? We can wear polos: maroon, white, black, and grey; khaki (gag), black, and navy blue pants; Solid belts, socks, and tights; and closed toe and heel shoes. I know. It's painful, right?
I get the feeling that you are not so keen on polos. Which is why I would like to introduce you to American Apparel's "leisure shirts". They have a collar, they look incredibly comfortable, AND they come in a plethora of colors. It's $32 and they have long sleeved versions for $38. I'm incredibly shocked that you can't have skirts! What kind of sadistic place do you go to school? Anyways, Urban Outfitters has some lovely black pants like these. If I were you I would just go to a local department store and just stock up on their black and navy blue pants. As for the shoes, did you see the ones I suggest for the question above this one? They're quite fitting. Since you do not have much of a variety for the rest of your clothes I think you should buy a bunch of different colored ballet flats.
and yes i can say excited, and I am so excited tha I could probaly say it in 3478942056 languages! no more ms. nuttlllee :] I will mis syou, leith, now that you're leaving and all. :[
but what hospital!? I want to goo!! sounds interesting.
and you really MUST update over the summer! pleaseee! I need you! and I'm also in the middle of a fashion crisis and have no clothing to wear. so help a brotha out!
<3 I willl miss youuuu
the "prep" polo she was talking about was sold at hot topic last year or so. you can probably check their website.
I think the polo with the x's she's talking about is 2B Free or Free People or something of the sort. I remember seeing it at Bloomingdale's.
Tomorrow is the last day of school for us Maryland kiddies! Yay!
But anyways, what hospital in the area were you talking about? That sounds like a really cool place to get some original things...
Also, I hope your wisdom teeth go alright-I had mine out a couple of months ago and it's really not that bad.
Good luck and have a great summer!
EXCITED! i am so that about summer (:
The polo is by Project E. It's on sale for $32 on . Just click on Project E and then the 'Preppy Polo'.
I love that polo! It was on the website anonymous (above me) said. It's really cute, and the best part is that it's on sale!
yeah, well all of you already on summer vacay suck. I have this week still, but i graduate on fri. so that is something to look forward to!!! So Leith, thanks for the super huge mega long post. I totally know how it feels to get bogged down in school crap and just crap in general. I want you to know that you've totally inspired me to start my own blog to let peeps know all about my style and other fun stuff! have a good summer, I'm leaving too!
that polka dot dress is gorgey! plus i love the shoes you recommended. you're the best leith, as always, lol
jane-think yourself lucky, i still have another month!!!! but i think u americans have a different term system.annnnyyyywayyyyy
yeah geisha's right, i had to have 4 teeth pulled out and i could barely feel a thing...well, except for alot of cranking.
i like that black and white polka-dot dress ( i love polkadots!)
hope u all hav a great summer hol
and PLEASE visit my blog
where can i find a bathing suit with a peace sign pattern on it?
i've been out of school for a long time since may 26 us miami folks rock!!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha
I love your blog, actually wheni saw it in ellegirl, it inspired to creat one of my own about fashion: ,
the polo is old navy.
We can wear skirts. I just forgot to post it. It's still a terrible dress code.
about that polo...
like someone said before, it REALLY IS Project E. No disagreement necessary. The polos are sold all over department stores (Bloomingdale's should sound familiar) but I've seen copies from Target and such. Project E is the original.
the brand is old navy.
here it is, fits description exactly
the polo is project e. i've seen copies of it at other stores though.
i would just like to add another suggestion for the last question: jewelery is an awesome way to make your outfit stand out from everyone else's. layer on some thick gold chain necklaces, get some chunky bracelets, rack up on huge cocktail rings, and think earrings, earrings, earrings! these things can really help you out when it comes to looking different.
Alice - the polo with the 3 x's and PREP written on the back is from Project E.
Shopping the cheap battery,you can see from here.
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