The Sad Thing is That I'll Probably Like the Clothes

Following our report last week that we were expecting an announcement any day, Reebok confirmed yesterday that it has signed a multi-million pound deal with Scarlett Johansson who will act as the new face of the brand. As well as starring in a new global ad campaign, Scarlett will design her own line of retro-inspired sportswear and footwear, which will be available in the spring next year. read more
I love Scarlett Johansson but I'm sick and tired of celebrites "designing" clothes. Enough already! I get that everyone wants money. I mean, I would love some extra cash but you don't see me doing something that I am completely underqualified at for money. I do it for free.
I think nowadays celebrities are trying to hard so they tend to dip their hands into too many pots. like stick with something. singer? sing. actor? act. stick to it. sheesh.
Do they even really design it or just say yes or no to designs?
I think it varies between celebrities- like Gwen Stefani probably (or more definitely) designs the clothes. I'm not too sure about the technical aspects though.
what's wrong with making money endorsing clothes you love?
is it better to lend your name for no money?
i agree with smartie; i just think celebrities think they have to mass market themselves to gain more popularity & more money. stick with one thing.
ps. i am loving the frequent updates!
scarlett johansson is pretty, and an okay actor, shoe designer??? what???
yay for scarlett and i can't wait to see what she designs!
I know what everyone means, but I can't blame her for trying to expand and make more money. To each their own.
I'm sure I'd hate it, if it weren't scarlett johansson. But she's adorable so whatever she's selling. I'm probably buying.
i think sometimes the whole crossover thing can work really well, but not always. like paris hilton singing.. but what did she even crossover from? ahah. i am kind of exicted for the line though because it would be nice to have sportswear thats retro and fun.
Very cool stuff. But I'm not really into the Scarlett Johansen stuff. If you have a passion and a talent, design, if not, don't!
check it out
who cares whether they design it or not, in most cases the fashion is ugly
scarlett has cute style, but who knows if it's a stylist or actually her? so who knows if she can really design something or if she'll hire someone else to do that too?
if it looks good i'd go for it. if it sucks i wouldn't buy it. i don't like or wear clothing/purses that have initials/brand names/logos on them. it's more about quality and style than the name label status for me.
it's kind of like when carlos santana came out with a shoe line i was like "huhhh?" but there are actually some pretty good styles in that line.
I'm confussed.. is she designing or endorsing? pretty sure shes designing her own sportswear but endorsing everything else under their name
leith, i seriously need your help! school is getting standardized dress (aka khackis and polos) for the first year ever and i cant find any way to look original or any brands that fit right :[
I don't know, If I was an actress that was as famous as Scarlett I would try to expand my business as much as possible, so more people would go and watch my movies and eventually I would become more famous. Plus, it's cool if you love fashion and you get to design for a famous company. That's just my opinion.
some people are just good at many things
but the thing about this is
even if their designs suck
people will still buy them anyway
and is everyone designing stuff now?
cos they basically all look the same
thats very judgmental of you.
who says they're doing it for money?
like you said, they have enough.
Maybe its just something they want to do. They get money for it, big deal. waaaah. get over it. you sound childish. like "THEY GET MONEY FOR IT AND I DO IT FOR FREE. TAKE THAT, SCARLETT!"
so basically. don't hate. appreciate.
I loved her in Lost in Translation. Also she has a cool style.
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