You Know it's Summer When Leith Can't Stop Listening to the Grateful Dead
It seems that I only answer your questions when I've had hardly any sleep. Oh well. I'm quite introspective when I'm tired.

I am so glad you brought up boots. I'm probably the pickiest person when it comes to them. I really like these from Miss Sixty. I think they come up below the knee, but Urban Outfitters' website doesn't have a picture of them on a model (or maybe they do. I'm not running on much right here).
They are $278 so if you want something less expensive you can always go with Delias' Angie boot for $79.
And now for the jacket.
Last fall I got a great military-esque jacket from Urban Outfitters and honestly, I'm still completely in love with it so I completely understand your want of a military jacket.
I really like this khaki band master jacket by Coffee Shop on the left. Although it's structured it's made out of cotton which makes it great for layering (hoodies anyone?). If you don't like how light it is (does anyone remember to wash their jacket?) you can always go for it in olive. Even though it's really kind of hideous. It's available at Nordstrom's for $31.90.
I happen to be in love with this Z military jacket on the right. Heradling from the Full Metal Jacket era of military jackets its definitly more modern than most other military jackets that are for sale but its also perfect for winter/fall and with no doubt you will be protected from those harsh winter winds better than you would be with the Coffee Shop jacket. Get it from 80's Purple for $160.
I am probably THE worst at giving jean shopping advice considering pants never fit me because I have a butt and designers seem to think that if you don't have a flat ass then you are fat. But I normally have the best luck with Lux and Miss Sixty jeans. Lucky is pretty good too.
Now on with the shoe department (my area of expertise), Anthropologie has some great open toed flats like these which are $78. They also have some lovely flats with cut-outs that should make the sweating problem less of an issue. The prices tend to vary but you should definitely check it out. You might also want to look at Maloles for great open toed shoes. Don't forget that you can never go wrong with open-toed heels and skinny jeans.

Okay, so, I kind of have two questions. First is this, for fall/ winter there are only two things i want: a good jacket (prefferably military) and a good pair of boots (not cowboy, below the knee, no lower or higher) WHERE can I find these?
I am so glad you brought up boots. I'm probably the pickiest person when it comes to them. I really like these from Miss Sixty. I think they come up below the knee, but Urban Outfitters' website doesn't have a picture of them on a model (or maybe they do. I'm not running on much right here).

And now for the jacket.

I really like this khaki band master jacket by Coffee Shop on the left. Although it's structured it's made out of cotton which makes it great for layering (hoodies anyone?). If you don't like how light it is (does anyone remember to wash their jacket?) you can always go for it in olive. Even though it's really kind of hideous. It's available at Nordstrom's for $31.90.
I happen to be in love with this Z military jacket on the right. Heradling from the Full Metal Jacket era of military jackets its definitly more modern than most other military jackets that are for sale but its also perfect for winter/fall and with no doubt you will be protected from those harsh winter winds better than you would be with the Coffee Shop jacket. Get it from 80's Purple for $160.
Could you please give me some different ideas for shoes with skinny jeans? I love the ballet flats look with the jeans, but I live in Florida where we have MAYBE two weeks of the entire year that I can actually wear closed toe shoes with jeans/pants without sweating to death! I've tried casual flip flops, but can't seem to make those look good either. Please help! Also, what brand of skinny jeans would you recommend? I bought a pair from Old Navy because I wasn't sure if I would like them or not and my husband says they make my ass look "long." If Beyonce and JLo can wear skinny jeans, then I KNOW I can! Please help with that one, too!
I am probably THE worst at giving jean shopping advice considering pants never fit me because I have a butt and designers seem to think that if you don't have a flat ass then you are fat. But I normally have the best luck with Lux and Miss Sixty jeans. Lucky is pretty good too.

Now on with the shoe department (my area of expertise), Anthropologie has some great open toed flats like these which are $78. They also have some lovely flats with cut-outs that should make the sweating problem less of an issue. The prices tend to vary but you should definitely check it out. You might also want to look at Maloles for great open toed shoes. Don't forget that you can never go wrong with open-toed heels and skinny jeans.
I like it. A lot. I'm not really sure what, I just like the post. =]
i'm with you on the jeans issue. i can never find jeans that fit perfectly, as i too actually have a butt. grr. then great frustration ensues and i end up not buying anything.
those shoes are beauuuutiful, oh boy. i'm always instantly attracted to shoes that are brightly colored.
The PERFECT accessory:
Hey! My E-mail thing isnt working....but I just started bloggin and I was wondering if you could link me? I LOVE your blog, its amazing!
My URL is:
wow leith, you have quite the following! married women e-mail you, a 15 year old, for fashion advice! amazing!
love the shoes.
jag jeans fit slim girls with butts.
The shoes are gorgeous!! Pairing shoes like that to a basic outfit, like jeans and a cardigan makes the shoes pop, and the outfit don't get like, too much. I want them...
That "jacket" as you seemed to call it on the right was absolutely atrocious!!! ew ew ew...I'm doubting your expretise in the fashion department Leith. I'm thinking people will throw stuff at you if you wear it.....
I did like those flats from Anthropolgie though. Good call..
wow. i'm another person saying wow-you have a woman with a husband asking you for advice!
i thought u said you were going away and you'd try to post or something? sorry i have a terrible memory.
The shoes are adorable! And I have trouble with pants, too. Either they don't fit around the waist or they aren't the correct length. I've found that my skinny jeans are great as far as length goes, no matter what height shoes I'm wearing. I think that's why they are so popular.
I am crazy for those opened toed flats!
Another Suburban living fashion lover
Speaking of military- I really love this linen military surplus-type jacket:
And- now, I don't have really a big butt [mom says I do] but I love Miss Sixty jeans too. :)
Uggh, I too have jean trouble. I may be a flat-assed girl, I am wayyy too skinny. And I eat like a horse! Maybe the designers should hire me cause I won't miss a show cause of eating disorder rehab.
Love the flats, hate the jackets
Yay, Leith posted again. Wee! Those flats are adorable. I had never heard of anthropologie until I found your blog, but their stuff is all so pretty!
Magazines are always showing ways to get jeans that fit, because that's what everybody struggles with, but then the ones they show are unbelievably expensive. I guess if they really fit well, you can splurge a little bit, but come on!
I recommend True Religion for straight leg jeans above all others, basically. Cool washes, nice distresses, great length, and they have an amazing low-rider fit.
For something less low-slung and casual, I'd go with 7 for All Mankind, Earnest Sewn (those two are some of the softest jeans I've ever worn!) or Gold Sign. This is all just from my experience though. I think all those jeans range from like $170-210 or something.
I relise you get many many many questions from people asking you for style advice so if you dont have time to answer this I'll understand. Anyways, I've been serching for atleast a month now for black flats, preferably peep toe and kinda summery with no luck. They would go with more than half my wardrobe but somehow what I thought to be a very simple staple item just doesnt exist! Would love some sugestions. Thanks, Grace
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