Bend it Like Beckham!
Johnathan Rhys Meyers for Versace.

Did you know he had such a big nose? Oh well, I'm excited to buy a magazine with the pictures and cut them out for all of my friend's lockers. Because whether they know it or not, they want him as their Irish soccer coach.
P.S. Add the myspace. I've opened it up for the public.

Did you know he had such a big nose? Oh well, I'm excited to buy a magazine with the pictures and cut them out for all of my friend's lockers. Because whether they know it or not, they want him as their Irish soccer coach.
P.S. Add the myspace. I've opened it up for the public.
I'm definitely not a fan of his. He's just so darn creepy.
Ohh I've loved him since Bend it Like Beckham! So adorable. Anyways, I know you did a post on this a while ago, but I was wondering whether you had any more suggestions for white graduation dresses. I'm going to try to get mine in advance...way in advance!
leith! i need your help!
im going to a HS next year with a huge campus, where are the buildings are spread out. I need warm, but still cute clothes for winter (i live in the east coast) Long coats, scarves, etc.....HELP!
<3 zooey =)
p.s, your blog is the shizzzoww!
unforch JRM is playing for the other team
unforch JRM is playing for the other team
your myspace is still set to private
I love those glasses he's wearing. My friend Andrew recently just got a pair very similair to them.
As for the guy, I could care less for celebrities and men I don't actually know.
OMG! does he look hot (as if he doesn't always look hot! ;-) what magazine is that from!!? i need to get my copy ASAP! finally someone i actually like is a spokesperson! thank you JRM! and you leith for informing us on this! it has made my day!
Ack, who retouched that picture to make him look awful! I always used to find him quite sexy...What happened?
ahh... soo hot. and i just LOVE his accent
I liked him in Bend It Like Beckham... but Match Point disturbed me a bit! (I know that's not his fault)
Ueeek! Never did like him, infact sorta dislike him. He's ugly and so serious.
uuugghh. i'm sorry but he is not attractive
I don't know, he looks really creepy and his nose is huge! Besides i'm usually attracted to boys who are funny and he is way too serious!
i like the new thingymadoodle-okay i'll tlkl normally-leith i like your new...ummm...picture as the heading.\and i'm sorry but WHAT is attractive about that guy?
Well, Rhys Meyers was cuter when he played Elvis.
He's so...yum!
Gawd blimey, I'm a limey and this shit is boring. Fashion. Yeah, well fashion is something you's clearly know jack poop about. BARF, kids...american teens...original wannebes...suckage fook. Bore bore bore....damn he's fine....pretentious blighters. YAWWWWWWWN.
To 'anonymous' up there, before you go judging someone else's blog you should realize that no one ever made you read this. Everybody's got an opinion and a style and whether or not you agree with it you should at least respect it!
calm down laurie, i don't see you with a blog of your own either, and anonymous shouldn't critique unless she has one herself as well, i do have a fashion blog of my own, i just choose to remain anonymous, so i don't have n e haters.
re: check this out:
me blog!
Looks Good!
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