It's Summer, I'm Listening to Bob Marley
I was having coffee with friends today and at a nearby table there was a middle aged couple. They were wearing bad khakis (pleated) and polos (red for her, blue for him). Weirdly matching clothing aside, they were adorable. Each one had a laptop and every once in a while they would switch laptops and watch whatever video the other one had found. They were giggling the entire time and basically acting like little school kids. It was probably the cutest thing I have seen in...ever. So, laptop bags.

I officially suck at finding laptop bags. I mean, this looks like L.L. Bean designed it for a 6 year old to carry her lunch in. What the hell? People think that they can get $54.95 for it? I suppose if I found it at a garage sale I would buy it and then give to my best friend, regretting the $5 it would have cost to buy it. She would love the cheesiness of it.

This reminds me of the brown sneakers I bought in 7th grade and corduroys. It kind of reminds me of college students also. It's very boy-nerdesque. But in a good way. Seth Cohen would have this bag you know, if he got into Brown. My God was that last season awful. Whatever, it's $85.99.

If I had a laptop I would insist on owning this case. I know, I'm silly for making this post but a girl can dream. It's water resistant! And blue. 90% of my wardrobe is blue. Which is odd considering I don't think I'm wearing blue in any of the pictures on the header. I really enjoy the fact that one of the bullets in the description of this bag is, "recommended as a laptop case for women". Oh those silly kolobagsers. $99.

Okay, this bag is stunning. I would use it as a regular bag. The inside is pink satin, just looking at the pictures makes me feel girly and smiley. The strap is silk taffeta. I love this bag. $695.63. But for almost $700 it looks like I would get it dirty. Very dirty. My poor white shirts have been bleach-penned almost to oblivion.

Oh, Violet May London, how I love you! The minute I saw this case I couldn't help but think that it looked very smart. Yes, I actually thought to myself, "This bag looks smart!" Am I 80? Apparently so. Leather does bring out my interesting side. Okay, I did not mean it in that way. At all. I just really enjoy a great leather bag. Or jacket. And the inside is mint green satin. I seriously might cry tonight. I have found my perfect laptop case and I don't even have a laptop. Yet. $899.68.

I officially suck at finding laptop bags. I mean, this looks like L.L. Bean designed it for a 6 year old to carry her lunch in. What the hell? People think that they can get $54.95 for it? I suppose if I found it at a garage sale I would buy it and then give to my best friend, regretting the $5 it would have cost to buy it. She would love the cheesiness of it.

This reminds me of the brown sneakers I bought in 7th grade and corduroys. It kind of reminds me of college students also. It's very boy-nerdesque. But in a good way. Seth Cohen would have this bag you know, if he got into Brown. My God was that last season awful. Whatever, it's $85.99.

If I had a laptop I would insist on owning this case. I know, I'm silly for making this post but a girl can dream. It's water resistant! And blue. 90% of my wardrobe is blue. Which is odd considering I don't think I'm wearing blue in any of the pictures on the header. I really enjoy the fact that one of the bullets in the description of this bag is, "recommended as a laptop case for women". Oh those silly kolobagsers. $99.

Okay, this bag is stunning. I would use it as a regular bag. The inside is pink satin, just looking at the pictures makes me feel girly and smiley. The strap is silk taffeta. I love this bag. $695.63. But for almost $700 it looks like I would get it dirty. Very dirty. My poor white shirts have been bleach-penned almost to oblivion.

Oh, Violet May London, how I love you! The minute I saw this case I couldn't help but think that it looked very smart. Yes, I actually thought to myself, "This bag looks smart!" Am I 80? Apparently so. Leather does bring out my interesting side. Okay, I did not mean it in that way. At all. I just really enjoy a great leather bag. Or jacket. And the inside is mint green satin. I seriously might cry tonight. I have found my perfect laptop case and I don't even have a laptop. Yet. $899.68.
Labels: accessories, technology, ugly
I love watching cute couples, especially old people. They are so adorable, when you see them holding hands in the park and stuff.
lol funny post! but i don't like any of those bags
Most interesting post in a while, congrats! I think I might show this to my laptop owning sis.
I love it when older people eat ice cream...
okay that sounds gross and stalker-esque but seriously.. it's so cute!!
oooo....4give me but i want the...cheezy one =)....=(
Bob Marley always reminds me of my highschool art classes.
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Seth Cohen bag. Its gorgeous. If only I didn't already have a laptop bag... and an expensive one, too. Its just black and ugly. I didn't buy it.
I really love the second to last one.. too bad I could never afford it.
But it is gorgeous.
The silk taffeta handle is gorgeous. Love it!
juicy couture has the absolute besst laptop covers btw i linked you.
guess what ... old farts like your mum had Pan Am bags *just* like that when we were kids (and flew Pan Am). They didn't last as long as we would've liked, but what does? They were big and bright and perfect in so many ways ... ;-)
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