Tired of Being Sexy
It's the eve of my first day of 11th grade.
And I have come to a somber realisation, I am an actual person. I have a life. Gone are the days where I sat around worrying about my hair and contemplating what new shirt to buy. No, I do things. I'll be setting up my school's coffeehouse (with a few good friends) this year, I volunteer at hospice, and I'll be working on my pre-college application until it's perfect.
Freaky, man.
Here are a few things that I've bought in preperation for school (because I still enjoy buying things. duh):

I have been looking for a decent pair of boots, that I liked, with out a hooker heel (apparently I enjoy looking like a "French prostitute", in my father's words), for 2 years. And I found them. At Delias? Yes. Unfortunately, they're on backorder so I haven't gotten them yet but I'm full of anticipation! $79.

Generally, I make fun of Old Navy. But, one day a friend and I had time to kill so we went in, and I saw this trench. I have always loved trench coats. Maybe it's because I grew up reading Nancy Drew and watching movies from the 60's. Or maybe it's just because a good flasher joke always brightens my day. $39.50.

I also bought this Le Sportsac tote, of course I got in an actual pattern but they dont' have it on the website (probably because it's mildly ugly, but I still like it). My school bag from last year was quite cool, it was a map of the London Underground but unfortunately the vinyl just couldn't handle a years worth of abuse and civ readings and died (right before exams, actually). I don't think I've thrown it away. Actually, I know I haven't thrown it away. It's still in my kitchen on a stool, edges fraying and covered with spilled coffee. $46.

One of my favorite stores (that's actually near where I live) is Up Against The Wall. It's where I get my Heatherette and Betseyville fix. Plus, I can always count on them for affordable bags, like this one. Please ignore the shittiness of the picture, I have not cleaned my room since getting home from Australia and my bed (with unmatching sheets...) is the only flat surface. Sad, I know. I was planning on cleaning today to...Anways, I adore this bag. It's huge. I have fit:
1. My nalgene water bottle.
2. A notebook
3. 4 pairs of sunglasses
5. A magazine
6. a trench coat
7. all of the usual purse things
8. all of my make-up
There was room for more. My friend Melissa was mildly upset that I bought it, "It's larger than your skirt!"She's crazy though. Around $40.

I bought this bag at Up Against the Wall too, it's much smaller than the black one but I love it just the same. Around $15.
And I have come to a somber realisation, I am an actual person. I have a life. Gone are the days where I sat around worrying about my hair and contemplating what new shirt to buy. No, I do things. I'll be setting up my school's coffeehouse (with a few good friends) this year, I volunteer at hospice, and I'll be working on my pre-college application until it's perfect.
Freaky, man.
Here are a few things that I've bought in preperation for school (because I still enjoy buying things. duh):

I have been looking for a decent pair of boots, that I liked, with out a hooker heel (apparently I enjoy looking like a "French prostitute", in my father's words), for 2 years. And I found them. At Delias? Yes. Unfortunately, they're on backorder so I haven't gotten them yet but I'm full of anticipation! $79.

Generally, I make fun of Old Navy. But, one day a friend and I had time to kill so we went in, and I saw this trench. I have always loved trench coats. Maybe it's because I grew up reading Nancy Drew and watching movies from the 60's. Or maybe it's just because a good flasher joke always brightens my day. $39.50.

I also bought this Le Sportsac tote, of course I got in an actual pattern but they dont' have it on the website (probably because it's mildly ugly, but I still like it). My school bag from last year was quite cool, it was a map of the London Underground but unfortunately the vinyl just couldn't handle a years worth of abuse and civ readings and died (right before exams, actually). I don't think I've thrown it away. Actually, I know I haven't thrown it away. It's still in my kitchen on a stool, edges fraying and covered with spilled coffee. $46.

One of my favorite stores (that's actually near where I live) is Up Against The Wall. It's where I get my Heatherette and Betseyville fix. Plus, I can always count on them for affordable bags, like this one. Please ignore the shittiness of the picture, I have not cleaned my room since getting home from Australia and my bed (with unmatching sheets...) is the only flat surface. Sad, I know. I was planning on cleaning today to...Anways, I adore this bag. It's huge. I have fit:
1. My nalgene water bottle.
2. A notebook
3. 4 pairs of sunglasses
5. A magazine
6. a trench coat
7. all of the usual purse things
8. all of my make-up
There was room for more. My friend Melissa was mildly upset that I bought it, "It's larger than your skirt!"She's crazy though. Around $40.

I bought this bag at Up Against the Wall too, it's much smaller than the black one but I love it just the same. Around $15.
Labels: accessories, bags, jackets, shoes
Into the Colors of the Dark
I was going to do a post about various books that I have read this summer but then I noticed that I had an e-mail from Lilac Bijoux.
I love Lilac Bijoux. When I have extra time before work I always go there and oggle the bags and jewelry. So, here is a post dedicated to one of the many loves of my life.

I think that I'm actually going to buy this bag. I need a new carry-all. My current purse is brown and actually really cute but I've gotten bored with it. Plus I got it as a secret santa present from a girl who is notorious for not liking anyone so it's probably laced with lead or something. I'm surprised I can even walk. $84.

My best friend has this bag in silver. Since it's nylon it's totally durable, but it's still thoroughly attractive. It's just a really great bag in general. I strongly recommend it. $138.

I dont' really wear necklaces because I'm a horrible fidget and always break them, but I would wear one of these anyways. Normally I'm against necklaces with initials/names on them but these are rather unique. I love the ruggedness. $128.
I love Lilac Bijoux. When I have extra time before work I always go there and oggle the bags and jewelry. So, here is a post dedicated to one of the many loves of my life.

I think that I'm actually going to buy this bag. I need a new carry-all. My current purse is brown and actually really cute but I've gotten bored with it. Plus I got it as a secret santa present from a girl who is notorious for not liking anyone so it's probably laced with lead or something. I'm surprised I can even walk. $84.

My best friend has this bag in silver. Since it's nylon it's totally durable, but it's still thoroughly attractive. It's just a really great bag in general. I strongly recommend it. $138.

I dont' really wear necklaces because I'm a horrible fidget and always break them, but I would wear one of these anyways. Normally I'm against necklaces with initials/names on them but these are rather unique. I love the ruggedness. $128.
Labels: accessories, bags, jewelry
I Mean, I'm Kind of Just Waiting for the New M.I.A.
I'm terrible I know.
I'm writing here almost a week after I got home. There are many reasons though (and according to my father I'm the queen of excuses).
1. I was sick. Not sick enough to vomit or anything but sick nonetheless. Last night I went to see some local bands play and I had trouble speaking. My throat is in a sorry state.
2. Jet lag.
3. My mom broke her right wrist so now I have to help her drive/cook/function.
ANYWAYS, why do I keep on get junk e-mail about Viagra? And I've heard about 20 commercials for it on the radio today. Is some higher power trying to tell me something?
So, on to fashion. While in the airport waiting for my plane from Sydney to LAX I picked up a copy of RUSSH and thoroughly enjoyed it. If you ever see a copy, I suggest picking it up. But, you know, I'm one of those people that buys magazines for the photographs rather than the articles (which is strange considering how much I love to read). I absolutely adore their "Paint it Pastel" spread. They have a Myspace.
P.S. Changed the header and link colors. But that's kind of a no-brainer.
I'm writing here almost a week after I got home. There are many reasons though (and according to my father I'm the queen of excuses).
1. I was sick. Not sick enough to vomit or anything but sick nonetheless. Last night I went to see some local bands play and I had trouble speaking. My throat is in a sorry state.
2. Jet lag.
3. My mom broke her right wrist so now I have to help her drive/cook/function.
ANYWAYS, why do I keep on get junk e-mail about Viagra? And I've heard about 20 commercials for it on the radio today. Is some higher power trying to tell me something?

P.S. Changed the header and link colors. But that's kind of a no-brainer.
Labels: magazines
On Friday I got my bangs cut straight across and today I put on pink lipstick (not frosted or anything like that, but pink nonetheless).
I do believe that the 90's are officially back. I mean, every one's been talking about it for ages but have you taken a look at this month's W or Vogue? I swear I saw shoulder pads.
Anyways, I have to confess something. I have been avoiding the internet. I haven't even check my e-mail. Whenever I go on the computer it's because:
A) facebook.
B) some one imed me. Not that I actually im them back. I generally go back to watching 90210
C) spider solitaire has taken over my soul
I am so afraid of accidentally reading a Harry Potter spoiler. It has happened to people I know. What's even worse, is that I'm not reading the book until Friday. Why? I have a 14 hour flight to Australia, what else would I do on it? Which means, that until August 13 expect few, if any posts. In the mean time, here are some big bags I enjoy.

Ever since I was a wee little one I have had a love for black patent. Well, actually shiny things in general, but you get my drift. This is basically everything I want in a bag, big enough for a book, a journal, and a magazine, with pockets for lipgloss and other essentials. Marc Jacobs, why must you tease me so? $388.

I have seen silver shirts in 3000000 stores lately and have resisted buying all of them. I don't care what the "Color Me Beautiful" lady at the Chanel make-up counter says, I do not look best in silver. Well, okay, I might, but still I already have a silver bikini and shirt I bought at Annie Creamcheese last year. Well, anyways, I doubt you care about that. This bag is legitimately awesome, there is no doubt in my mind. Once again Erotokritos has me smitten. $782.

Baskety bags are so springy and fresh and lovely that I can't help but love each and every one. This is no exception especially since it's large (like I said earlier, I enjoy my reading material). $206.50 ON SALE

Chanel will always be remembered for popularizing the quilted bag, Urban Outfitters for hipsterizing it. Still, this is a tote, it's attractive, and it meets the criteria for this post (I enjoy it). And I may even buy it. $38.

Normally I find Kate Spade to be pretty boring and just not that great (good quality, wouldn't buy it though). But, as far as basic totes go this is basically right on target for greatness. $275.

I will always, always love canvas bags and Lacoste is one of my favorite brands (silly, I know). So, naturally, I adore this bag. Notice how the bits I have written about each thing got shorter each time. $200.
I do believe that the 90's are officially back. I mean, every one's been talking about it for ages but have you taken a look at this month's W or Vogue? I swear I saw shoulder pads.
Anyways, I have to confess something. I have been avoiding the internet. I haven't even check my e-mail. Whenever I go on the computer it's because:
A) facebook.
B) some one imed me. Not that I actually im them back. I generally go back to watching 90210
C) spider solitaire has taken over my soul
I am so afraid of accidentally reading a Harry Potter spoiler. It has happened to people I know. What's even worse, is that I'm not reading the book until Friday. Why? I have a 14 hour flight to Australia, what else would I do on it? Which means, that until August 13 expect few, if any posts. In the mean time, here are some big bags I enjoy.

Ever since I was a wee little one I have had a love for black patent. Well, actually shiny things in general, but you get my drift. This is basically everything I want in a bag, big enough for a book, a journal, and a magazine, with pockets for lipgloss and other essentials. Marc Jacobs, why must you tease me so? $388.

I have seen silver shirts in 3000000 stores lately and have resisted buying all of them. I don't care what the "Color Me Beautiful" lady at the Chanel make-up counter says, I do not look best in silver. Well, okay, I might, but still I already have a silver bikini and shirt I bought at Annie Creamcheese last year. Well, anyways, I doubt you care about that. This bag is legitimately awesome, there is no doubt in my mind. Once again Erotokritos has me smitten. $782.

Baskety bags are so springy and fresh and lovely that I can't help but love each and every one. This is no exception especially since it's large (like I said earlier, I enjoy my reading material). $206.50 ON SALE

Chanel will always be remembered for popularizing the quilted bag, Urban Outfitters for hipsterizing it. Still, this is a tote, it's attractive, and it meets the criteria for this post (I enjoy it). And I may even buy it. $38.

Normally I find Kate Spade to be pretty boring and just not that great (good quality, wouldn't buy it though). But, as far as basic totes go this is basically right on target for greatness. $275.

I will always, always love canvas bags and Lacoste is one of my favorite brands (silly, I know). So, naturally, I adore this bag. Notice how the bits I have written about each thing got shorter each time. $200.
Labels: bags
Damn Son

Speaking of perfect things, I bought my perfect pair of jeans the other day (they weren't too short, my butt was not hanging out, and they were the perfect wash) for 13 dollars. I was shocked. Mainly because they were marked down from over 100 dollars and jeans that go on sale never fit me. Only really expensive jeans have looked good on me. My body just really enjoys spending loads of money. Anyways, I will have more posts later today. Hopefully. I've been really exhausted lately so who knows.
Labels: accessories, jeans, watches
Why Don't You Lean on Me?
I actually have a dress problem i was wondering you could address, I've been buying a bunch of cute light weight summer dresses, however (especially the white ones), theyre always so sheer and even with nude underwear, you can still see the outline. So i was just wondering what you wear under your crochet dress or any sheer dress.

And, for the most part, people don't really care that much if you can see a little outline of panty. Unless you are having Easter dinner at the Army Navy Club with your grandparents, just roll with it. Or maybe not? Either way, it's a good idea to invest in a good slip (try Nordstrom's) and a pair of spandex. Lame shorts, $28.