As I was walking in the hallway today, wondering what exactly is the point of matter and energy (I don't know anyone who actually care's about whether or not energy can be destroyed) I saw the most...frightening outfit in the entire world. Okay, it wasn't the
most frightening outfit but it was pretty horrific. Unfortunately I didn't get to take a picture of what this girl was wearing.
Before I go into details I think you need some background information. I've seen this girl a lot in the hallways and at lunch, I don't know her name but I've started calling her Fifi. Fifi's one of those girls who likes to wear the whole rainbow of day-glo colors in one outfit. And scarves. I've noticed she has a thing for purple fuzzy scarves.
Anyways, today she was wearing a denim mini skirt, leopard print leggings, fishnets underneath those leggings, and to top it off (because, honestly I could go with the whole glam rocker leopard print leggings if I had to) she had leopard print high heals on. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure she was wearing a flourescent blue shirt with a hot pink tank top over that.
Yes, my friends, there is such a thing as too much animal print even though, in case you didn't notice, I
love animal